Some Customer Reviews for PanDigital 72-70FW 7-Inch Tablet Computer - White | "I bought this as a Christmas gift for my husband it turned out to be a bust. None of the downloads that the website says works, worked..."
"I needed something to read my textbooks on and I did not want to carry my large laptop around so I bought this. This product was almost completely useless before I rooted it..."
"Now that i have had a couple of months to play with this. It is everything it is advirtised as. A decent ebook reader and i can go online and check my email with it..." "I bought this item refurbished for my daughter for Christmas, because she wouldn't stay off my iPad! ..." "For the price, was better than Archos 7HT. Wish there was a native Android Marketplace supplied by Pandigital, or a newer version of Android for it..." |
The PanImage Multimedia tablet changes the way you access the web, access email, check social networks and curl up with a good book. With instant access to the Barnes and Noble PanImage Color Multimedia Tablet lets you read and carry hundreds of books, magazines, and newspapers with you wherever you go.
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